Tuesday, December 14, 2010

iPhoto project

I loved this project. My favorite part of this project was taking the pictures for the project. I also used a flip video to video tape me doing cheerleading things and i put it in my computer and i got frame by frame images. I loved uploading them and picking them out from the videos, doing all of the adjustments. Doing all of the cool effects on iphoto was also fun to do. I love doing these kinds of projects because it is a fun way for us to show our creativity. I already knew how to use iphoto and everything it was not anything new to me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

M&M Project

I liked the M&M project. To be quite honest my favorite part was the designing of the different fonts and all of the creativity to show. It was a good choice in candy to use. I learned new things to do on Microsoft Excel and I had forgotten how useful Microsoft Excel can be. A way it can be even more fun for us is to maybe have us pick a subject like favorite sports or something and we can take a survey. We would clarify who we asked and all the details. I would use this in other classes to keep organized, to keep grades together or for other projects in other classes.

Charity Letter

For this assignment on the charity letter i had some different inputs on it. I liked the subject i chose, Alzheimer's disease. It is a disease that is part of my family and it was easy to talk about because my family has so much to do with this disease. I did not like having to make ten different letters when they said the same thing. The biggest reason why was because the way we had to put the addresses, names and all of that was a confusing way to do it. This was a good thing to do to learn how to use it for the future and a good subject for the letters. Although i just didn't like how it could get a little confusing at parts.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In this class, I expect to learn how to do more of the advanced things on our macs. I got a mac for my eighth grade graduation so I have been able to adjust to the more simple applications and simple things to do on the macs. I know how to use iPhoto, iMovie, and other applications like that. I want to learn how to go more into depth with these applications and learn other tricks on the computers. I am very excited to create projects and more to share to the class. I am ready to get started in this class.